Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Job!

  Today was my first day with Ryder ALL DAY on a work day without one of us being sick!! We had a very eventful day and I am looking forward to after Christmas where we can get on a schedule together and learn what makes us both happy. We went to walmart this morning and then got to eat lunch with Daddy since he is on the late shift. Ryder enjoyed that! Then it was nap time, then to the doctor for me which turned out to be QUITE the ordeal. He was pretty good for the first 15 minutes in the waiting room, but after that he was DONE.. like DONE DONE.. so by the time we got back to the room the doctor asked me if I wanted to go ahead and do a full body scan ( I was at the dermatologist) I told her no thanks we were overdue for nap which meant we were overdue for this meltdown. She checked my head (Amanda saw a red spot on my scalp while I was sitting in front of her a few days ago) she had to cut it out of my head so that took a little while, and caulderise it (however you spell it) the whole time she is talking to me and Ryder is SCREAMING I was trying to tell him to get his paci, the poor doctor was trying to talk over him telling me how to take care of the cut and oh my gosh I couldn't get us out of there fast enough. I am hoping they made a note in my chart that next time we show up I get to go back right away! HA! Here are some pictures of us at the doctor... this is when we finally made it back to the room

We are DEFINETLY going to be working on these tantrums!
The rest of the day is a blur, we played, we ate a snack, we napped, we played, we ate a snack THEN .. we were off to... DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......... THE LIGHTS AT THE ZOO!! Ryder is obsessed with lights and as soon as we turned into the entrance he said "WOW!" it was soo cute! Bare with me through all of these pictures, but he was soo cute and LOVED them! Our friends Matt and Emily were there too with their son Caleb who is a couple months older than Ryder.. They both enjoyed themselves!

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