My name is Alisha Harris. I live in a small town outside of Columbia, SC. I grew up in a farm house with chickens, goats, horses and a wild pig that we caught named Chubs.I met my husband Eric while working at Hot Dog Heaven. Yes its true, he was my manager and I thought he was so cute but we always seemed to work different shifts.
Somehow we met, and his work schedule suddenly shifted from mornings to nights...hmm I wonder how that happened. We dated for 3 years, and have been married for almost 6! While all of that was going on I was in school for Web and Graphic Design but fell in love a long the way,got married, and had a child and now am a stay at home mom and a nanny to twin boys and am SO beyond happy and blessed that I am able to watch Ryder grow up!
We had our first child in August of 2009. I can not describe how completely amazing and life changing it was. Being a mom is the greatest gift anyone could ever give me. It is HARD WORK and some days I want to throw my hands up but boy is it rewarding!
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Ryder was 6 days old here :) |
Soon after I gave birth, I was diagnosed with stage 2 Malignant Melanoma and had a very successful surgery to remove it all! It was awesome news and I couldn't be more than thrilled that chapter was behind us. As of November 2012 I am 3 years CANCER FREE and just 2 years away from being in "remission". (SIDE NOTE- WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERYDAY ALL DAY)
2 years later, we were more than excited to start "trying". I went to my oncologist to ask a few questions about being pregnant again, because I had the melanoma while I was in my last trimester with Ryder and it was spreading fast. It only took about 2 months to go to stage 2. My oncologist told me that there was a high risk of developing more Melanoma and a chance that the old melanoma could come back (due to hormones). He said, "If you were my sister wanting to get pregnant again I would say absolutely not". I can't even try to explain how I felt on that drive home from the oncologists office. I was sobbing, and felt completely defeated. I'm sure everyone driving around me thought someone had died, but to me something had. My "life plan" of 4 children running around looking like little Eric's and mini me's was gone. Suddenly God through a wrench into MY plans and I was defeated. The story doesn't end there, HE had bigger plans for my life and I was soon to understand what.
Let me take you back to my high school days. I ALWAYS knew I wanted to adopt someday. It was something that I talked and thought about often. I talked to Eric about it before we were married and we even talked about starting the process before Ryder was born but decided we wanted to try first. After we were told that it was too risky to get pregnant again, I had a conversation with my mom. I was telling her that maybe we were meant to just have one child and that we were done. She looked at me and I will never forget what she said. She said, "Alisha, God put adoption on your heart such a long time ago for a reason, and you have always felt called to do that. Maybe this is your reason why". The next day, I called our local DSS office and asked a few questions and signed up for an Orientation class that week to learn more. Eric had to work so my mom went with me. Little did I know I would fill out our initial application and TURN IT IN that night! Eric and I went full force into the adoption process and finished it in a record time! We were approved 6 months later and have been waiting on our child/children as of September 2012. That is where our story has taken a turn...
We were told it could be years before we are placed with a child, and that 60% of all children are adopted by their foster parents. This got my mind focused on actually "Fostering to Adopt". Eric, well he wasn't sold on this option. So what's a girl to do?? I asked non stop and prayed non stop that if this was what we were being called to do that he would jump on board. I don't think he actually jumped :) but he did say YES and I said I'LL TAKE IT! We are currently a few weeks away from being licensed foster parents! We know it's not going to be an easy path but we are praying that we can make a difference in these kids lives if not forever, for a short time. I already know they are going to change ours!
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