Sunday, September 2, 2012


We are still waiting for our homestudy approval and our kids! I was reading my all time favorite adoption blog/story and came across a paragraph she wrote when she was "waiting"...

Here is the upside: This is the stage you realize God can put a vicious fight in you for a kid without your blood coursing through his veins. Those early doubts about loving a child without the helpful instincts of biology are put to rest. Of course, you don’t know this kid yet, but you love him in your heart, in your bones. You’ll fight like hell to get to him. You can’t think of anything else. You are obsessed. You dream about him like you did when you were pregnant. You realize that when God said He sets the lonely in families, He meant it, and He doesn’t just transform the “lonely” but also the “families.” He changes us for one another. God can create a family across countries, beyond genetics, through impossible circumstances, and past reason. -Jen Hatmaker

That just sums up how I am feeling right now.. it is pretty amazing how you have a fight for children you don't even know.. it's like everything in you wants them right now, wants to take their pain away, wants to help start a "new" life together, and wants to show them unconditional love. Its a pretty amazing thing, however I would like to be "done" waiting! :)

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