Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Last night...

WOW last night was a NIGHT to say the least! Ryder had been acting really tired by 5 o'clock and I just figured it was because no naps finally caught up with him. I went to the gym around that time and he wanted to come (he LOVES the girls at the gym I mean talks about going to the gym all day and gets SOO excited!) and then when I got there they were all out at the playground and they said, "Hey Ryder!" and he said, "Mommy I want to go home" I talked him into staying which I have NEVER had to do but he I just thought it was a glitch. After the gym, we headed to San Jose to meet my parents and Tanner for dinner. Ryder kept almost falling asleep during dinner and by the time we pulled out at 7 he was OUT. So when we got home we put him to bed... Eric and I were able to go to bed at 9 which never happens! Around 10:00 he was crying so Eric went to check on him and he had thrown up. This is when the fun really started! For the next 2 hours it was every 30 minutes like clock work. At midnight I realized my stock pile of laundry detergent was no more and we had already having to do 4 loads of throw up sheets in the laundry. SO I jumped in the car and headed to walmart... only to realize that the walmart next to us closes at 11. SO then I headed to Harbison Walmart and got every lysol product they offer, laundry detergent and pedialyte. I finally got home about 12:45 and Eric was just getting to bed after another throw up incident. We weren't asleep 20 minutes before Eric's work phone called and he had a job to go to in Lexington about 30 minutes away. At this time it's around 1:30 (he is now on call 24 hours a day once a week every 4 weeks) We just had to laugh, he got dressed and headed out the door. It wasn't 5 minutes later that I heard the door open again he said that dispatch had gotten the problem wrong and he didn't have to go. I got up one more time around 4:30 and he has been back to his normal self this morning. What a night!! I am EXHAUSTED and I can't imagine how tired Eric is today at work!! I'm glad we work as a team! I am praying we don't catch it **Also this trundle bed really came in handy last night!!**

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stopping by from Kelly's Korner. I'm a mom to a boy and a girl, so didn't join in the linky, but wanted to stop by a few anyway. You have a handsome son, and congratulations on your adoption journey- it is a truly wonderful thing.

Jessica @ At Home- Take 2


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