Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Key To My Heart...

I have to blog about this because now, it seems hilarious and I know I am going to want a good laugh (and some embarassing stories) when he gets older. and totally in my speech at his wedding This morning I took all 3 kids for a walk, we call them "bear hunts". I am not sure if you have ever read the "Going on a Bear Hunt" book but its really cute, and was one of my favorites when I was a child. Well, around 3:30 I looked out the window and realized that I had left the stroller outside on the sidewalk. I was in a panic because it looked like a torrential downpour was about to occur and I did NOT want that thing getting wet because its a pain to take apart and wash. ANYWAYS I went out the glass door, and pulled the main door shut behind me because Ryder can now open the glass door and I didn't want the babies to fall out. They like to stand and lean up against the door and I can just picture their cute little faces hitting that concrete.... well I quickly folded it up and set it on the porch and reached for the door handle to realize it was locked... not just locked on the bottom but DEAD BOLTED! My heart was in my toes, here I was outside of my house, LOCKED outside of my house, waiting for it to pour, with 3 children inside. I quickly said Ryder unlock the door! He said, "WHAT?!?" like he had no idea what I was talking about, even though he had JUST locked the bottom lock AND THE DEADBOLT! I started saying it over and over and over and he kept saying WHAT? over and over and over. All I could think about was having to go across the street to the neighbors to call Eric to wait an hour for him to come home. By this time the twins dad would be getting here, and wandering why I was outside and his kids were inside, LOCKED inside. All the while I have two 1 year olds, and a CRAZY 2 year old inside doing WHO KNOWS WHAT to the house and each other! I then thought, ok how can I "break" into this door, are my windows locked, did I lock the backdoor? So I ran around the back and THANK YOU JESUS I had left it unlocked! But I will have to say spare keys are being made, Ryder is learning a BIG lesson and this will NEVER happen again!!! WHAT a scare!!
He better be glad he's so cute because he always makes me smile even when I want to scream!


scruggers said...

aha at the kid's i nanny's house, they have an old home with a door that can lock you into the kitchen. The two year old discovered this one day- locked it with a little impish grin through the glass and ran into the other room. I was thoroughly baffled by how i was going to get through without breaking a historically restored door-shattering glass everywhere with a tot nearby. I talked to him through the door begging him to unlock it and passing threats of him being in big trouble...which flew over him since he realized his power and continued to play in his toy car. Anyways, I had to wait for 40 minutes until he finally figured out that I was where his lunch was prepared.

Alisha Harris said...

OH MY GOSH SARAH!!! That's how I felt with Ryder, after I was pleading for him to unlock the door, I looked over and he was sitting on top of the couch looking at me out of the window! I wanted to ring his neck! but lesson learned thats for sure!! :)


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