Friday, May 11, 2012

Another Pinterest DIY

So I found another PINTEREST project I wanted to try, and tonight was the perfect night because Eric was out gigging (I don't quite understand, its like fishing, but in the dark with spears that look like pitchforks??) and Ryder was at Momma Honey's for a few hours. Well the project I found looked like this,...

 (The Sunburst/Flower hanging on the wall)

Lets just say I went to 5 different stores looking for a small circle mirror, NO LUCK! I was running out of time and just decided that a cute blue picture frame I found would work just fine and it turned out better than a mirror I think!!

These are the supplies you will need:

I started by making a template, I was able to cut 3 "rays" out of each posterboard... I cut them in half and then shaped them to make them look like a petal or a ray...

Then once I was done cutting them out, I put them underneath the picture frame so I could get a feel for how I wanted it to look... then I turned it over and started hot glueing them to the frame...

It only took about an hour and only $7.36!!!! (Picture frame was 4.99 and each poster board was .59cents)

It turned out ALOT bigger than I was expecting and I'm not quite sold on where it is now, but I think it looks cute, I might move it to my bedroom above our bed.. but then I would have to move the other pinterest project I made recently :(.. of course its not as good as the one I saw on pinterest...but for a fast and cheap project??? I think it worked!!
(PLEASE ignore the messy living room!!!)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

cute!!! I like it!


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