Wednesday, May 18, 2011

21 Months Old!

You are changing SOOO fast.. each day I feel like you are saying something new or learning something new!
*You are still wearing mostly 12 month clothes, although alot of your shirts are 18 months... I hope your not still in 12 month when your 2! but you are starting to thin out alot since you go NON STOP!
*You wear a size 4 diaper and I can't wait until your out of those diapers!! We will most likely start around your birthday and hopefuly it will be a piece of cake!
*You weigh 23 pounds and I believe are around 33-34 inches tall
*You are talking and saying the FUNNIEST things! Yesterday you brought me a little plastic man who was holding a cell phone and said, "Mommy, say hewoe to this guy" I said what? and you said, " Say hewoe to this little guy" It was soo funny!... We went to the zoo on Monday and EVERY single animal we went to, you would get as close as you could squat down and say, "HI TURTLE!, oh turtle, hi!" and then when we would walk away you would say " Bye Turtle, and start making kissy noises! soo cute, you did that to the turtles, fish, elephants, gorilla, kangaroos, EVERYTHING we walked by!
*You are CONSTANTLY skinning your knees and we were at chic-fil-a yesterday and the little girl in the playground said why does he have so many boo-boos I said, he's just a crazy little boy and she said, YES HE IS! ha! I just have to laugh sometimes
*You are starting to MAJORLY hit the terrible 2's, tantrums and fits are in full force these days and going to walmart can almost guarantee me atleast 3 meltdowns, one about getting into the cart, another about having to walk by the balls and not getting you one, and another about leaving...what an adventure its starting to become
*You L-O-V-E grace, I mean if she could fit in your pocket you would take her EVERYWHERE I have been trying to get on camera how you talk to her but its hilarious...its really high pitch and you just say OHH GRACIE and start kissing her and stroking her and you just say "Awww Gracie" Awww Gracie" its soo precious!
*Yesterday you came running into the living room and said, "Alsdjflkdjflkdjfldjflskdjfsdlkfjsdkflj Grace POOOOOP!!!!!! and I said grace poop? and you said YES! so I walked back into your playroom and sure enough she had pooped on one of your books, while I cleaned it up I heard you in the living room saying, "Bad bad Gracie" and when I walked in the living room you were in her bed talking to her! soo cute!
*I have started teaching you your colors and you want nothing to do with it, the whole time I am showing you colors you just keep saying, I color mommy, I color! I think the word "color" is confusing you with coloring...boy do I have a time on my hands!


*We have been having a lot of fun going places and doing new things, you are soaking up every bit of knowledge that I am giving you and its been really fun as your getting into this new stage ....minus the tantrums!
*You also LOVE to sing in the car... your favorite song goes like this, "HO HO HO HOSANNA, HA HA HA HALEIUAH, HE HE HE HE SAVES ME, I HAVE THE JOY OF THE LORD" you can sing it word for word and it just makes me smile! When we go to get into the car you start saying HO HO HO HO..its cute!

*At night when I pray with you, you fold your hands and pray right along with mostly jibberish until we get to the end and you always say Amen right at the same time I do and then you have the biggest smile on your face.. I hope you pray with me forever its soo sweet!

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