Tuesday, April 19, 2011

20 Months Old!

I can't believe in just 4 short months we will be celebrating Ryders 2nd birthday!!! This is what you are up to this month:
*You weigh 24 pounds which is the 40th percentile
*You are wearing size 4 diapers
*You wear mostly size 12 month shorts, and 18-24 month tops
*You are talking up a storm! Mostly in your own language but you know quite a few words! You are putting more and more words together and have even said a few sentences
*You LOVE choo choo trains, and every time we go over the tracks, you say, "CHOO CHOO" we are hoping to go to the Winnsboro train museum soon!
*You are becoming a big helper, while I use clorox wipes to wipe off the counter and table, you use a diaper wipe and wipe EVERYTHING for me!
*You are SUCH a daddy's boy and are even a little obsessive! Every time we pass a van or truck with ladders on it you say DADDY DADDY.. then I have to tell you NO not daddy and you scream your head off!
*You are PACI free! We have given it to you when you go to bed just because you were staying up until 11!! Now you fall asleep in about 10 minutes, then when you get up we put Paps (paci) "night night" until that night! This has been the easiest thing I have ever done! He never even asks for it not even at night! But mommy and daddy need their sleep so you get it at night.
*You are listening better and better everyday and are getting easier and easier, although we still have some "issues".. last night you said I have to poop and you were in the bath so I said ok lets use the potty! So you went over and sat on your potty and said" UHHHH" and then got up and said no poop! SO I said ok and went to get a diaper, when I came back I found you in the living room standing in your poop! We have a little while before you will be potty trained I suppose!

You are SOOOO cute and I L-O-V-E you!

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