Thursday, July 7, 2011

Zoo Fun

Ryder and I haven't been to the zoo in about a month so we decided to go this morning.. maybe I should have checked the temperature because it was like 109 out there!! We were drenched in sweat after our 2 hour hike around the zoo! I just let Ryder walk now and don't even bother taking his stroller in because he just wants to get out and walk around! So I only carry a little backpack with the necessities in it! Thankfully my phone takes pretty good pictures and I was able to get a few!

HOWEVER I am SURE I almost had social services called on me while we were there... I had Ryder sitting on the fence in front of the elephants and we were talking and laughing and catching a break drinking some juice when all of a sudden Ryder looked at me with his devil gleam and throws his cup OVER the fence into the elephant pen... well I was NOT going to lose that cup and I better add it wasn't IN the elephant pen it was on that platform behind the fence in front of the drop off before you GET to the elephant pen.. well you BETTER believe I put Ryder over that fence and told him to go get that cup and if he even THOUGHT about getting off that platform, the elephants would eat him whole! Thats all it took. He brought me his cup in a hurry and climbed back over the fence.. (I also better add the fence came up to my shoulders so there was no way I could get over the fence and get it myself or I would have) Well so far so good.. were back home and the police haven't showed up yet!

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