Friday, July 22, 2011

23 Months Old!!! & The Water Park

Let's see what you are up to just 1 month shy of being 2 years old!!

This was you 1 year ago!! :( Sad how fast this time has gone by!)

*You wear a size 4 diaper, although potty training will be working its way into our lives VERY soon, you have been pulling your diaper off ALL the time and peeing/pooping on the floor so its about time!!
*You wear size 12 month shorts still but some are beginning to get too are wearing size 18 month -24 month shirts
*You STILL weigh 25 pounds and are 33 inches long
*You are going through a spurt of sleeping with Mommy and Daddy around 3 am everyday... were going to have to work on this because were EXHAUSTED!
*You are talking more and more in sentences and are saying the funniest thing...your favorite thing to say is "Mommy that hurt me" say that ALL the time regardless of how bad it "hurt" you
*You have started putting your face under the water in the bathtub and blowing bubbles
*You still LOVE the zoo, and if I ever ask you what you want to do today you say "Momma, the zoo! Momma, the hoo hoo hee hee (monkey), MOMMA THE CHOO CHOO" Its soo funny how all of a sudden you start to think of all your favorite things"
*You ask  me to play in your "panpox" (sandbox) EVERY DAY even though its 2000 degrees outside!

 We went to watch Ryders Uncle Paul run a Triathalon at the YMCA last week and while we waited we got to play in their Splash Pad.. As you can see Ryder had a blast!

I told Ryder it was time to go, so of course he put his fingers in his ears and acted like he couldn't hear me! Atleast I got it as proof for when he's older!
I can't believe your about to be 2!!! I am SOO excited about your upcoming Birthday party!! Its going to be a blast! :)

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