Sunday, February 6, 2011


BOY OH BOY... where do I begin?? This "Girls Weekend" trip was FAR from it...everyone brought their kids and it was just not the same as the last REAL girls weekend trip we had.. I think we've all decided next time were LEAVING the kids! HA! It was fun but boy was it eventful!

The actual trip to Gatlinburg went pretty smoothly my car full (My mom, My grandma, Tanner, Ryder, and I ) got to the cabin first.. let me just say we were LITERALLY up in the clouds! We were as high as the mountain could go and we were sitting off the edge of a cliff.. no guard rails no NOTHING! it was pretty nerve racking driving up to it.. well we were the first to arrive so we decided to head to Gatlinburg to eat dinner..  My mom lets us know she wasn't feeling so well as soon as we got our food she was like "I think we better hurry home" so we were hoping it was just car sickness and asked for boxes for our dinner and headed back to the cabin. What should have been about a 10 minute car ride turned into almost an HOUR! By the time we started up the mountain the clouds had settled we had a good 10 miles up to go! We LITTERALLY couldn't see 1 foot in front of us! My brother Tanner had to get out and walk in front of the car so we could see where to go! It was SO scary!

Well as soon as we made it through the door my mom started throwing up.. we quickly realised this "car sickness" was no car sickness and she had gotten the stomach bug!! She was quarantined to the top floor which luckily was open to the downstairs so she could "feel" like she was with everyone.. luckily she was feeling alot better the next day and even came with us to walk around for a little while.. but soon did we find out Ty (pams son) had 101 fever and was then quarantined upstairs as well!

We had a good time around gatlinburg and the boys loved the hot tub... although they DID decide to light fireworks downstairs and some "smoke bombs" which filled the ENTIRE 3 story house with the WORST smell and smoke EVER! so we all put on our coats and opened all the doors and windows to try and get the smoke and smell out of the house... boys will be boys I suppose...

This is my mom upstairs! :(

Ryder LOVED playing with the big boys!! He L-O-V-E-S trevor!!


Jessi got this toy out for Riley, and of COURSE Ryder LOVED it!! It was SOO funny!!

Ryder surprisingly did REALLY well with Riley!!

Becky got Ryder a big tube FULL of animals! He LOVED it!! he gave him a bath and they played with them!

Later that night we got a call around 7:30 saying that my DAD (no sympathy for illness' dad) was taking my grandpa to the hospital because he  had kidney stones! It was just a CRAZY weekend! but all in all we had alot of fun and it was still nice to be with everyone and catch up! here are some fun pictures of our EVENTFUL to say the last weekend!!

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