Thursday, December 8, 2011


Ryder has been saying and doing the funniest things.. half the time its when he's been bad and Eric and I just have to hold back our laughter which is rather hard at times!

*Ryder has been playing "Knock Knock, I say who's there? and he says POPS!" then he goes Knock Knock, and I say, who's there? and he says POPS!" then he goes Knock Knock, and I say, who's there? and he says POPS!"  (get the picture?!? its an all day every day kind of getting old thing!)
*Anytime he does something bad and I am not right there, I will hear him (wherever he is in the house) OH GOSH WYDER!!! BIG SPANKIN!! its such a funny moment but yet a full of anxiety moment at what in the world did he do this time..
*He's starting to act like the phone is a camera to whoever is on the other side, anytime he talks to someone on the phone he'll turn it around to whatever he is talking about and say "look" like that person can see it
*He has been doing his "happy feet" dance like CRAZY! I'll have to post a video of it soon, but if this child doesn't grow up to be a break dancer I will be VERY surprised!
*He always says, Mommy, where's daddy? He at work? He goin potty? Mommy WHERE'S DADDY!
*He likes to squeeze himself in between the coffee table and the couch and put his legs up on the table, and his arms on the couch so he's kind of just hanging in the middle.. its soo funny.. and half the time he ends up getting stuck and yelling MOMMY WYDER STUCK!
*His favorite movies right now are: "Acoon"(Ice Age, he thinks the squirrel is a Racoon), Buzz Whiteyear (Toy Story Buzz Lightyear), Nemo, and George (Curious George)
*He LOVES To count, most of the time he starts at 3 and can count to 18 and backwards from 10

And as I am typing this he is peeing all over the floor.. Oh the joys of having a 2 year old.. that's enough for today I believe..Oh dear Jesus give me patience today!

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