Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ho-Ho and his elves...

Last night I went to Cracker Barrell with my mom and Meme. While we were waiting for our food my mom looked over and saw that there was a man who looked like Santa Clause. He wasn't dressed like Santa but he had a big white beard and a big ole' belly. Well my mom told Ryder that Ho-Ho was there and you would have thought he was going to be killed. He was TERRIFIED! The man kept waving at Ryder and other kids were even going up to man and he was talking to them and giving them candy and a little card. WELL, we tried and tried to get him to go see Santa and get him some candy, but he just wasn't having it.. So eventually when Santa was leaving he came over to the table to see Ryder and he was yelling NO! NO! NO! and Santa said I have some candy for you and Ryder was dead silent. He took the candy, and then Santa said, Can I have a high five? And Ryder stuck out his finger and touched him and then snatched it back! It was hilarious everyone eating around us died laughing. It was quite the experience for us all!

On another note...I was running really late this morning for church because I was suppose to bring our Sunday school class breakfast, and Eric was on call so I wasn't able to do anything with Pie this morning. BUT as soon as we came home, Ryder went looking for him and found this....
He had gotten into Ryder's "Prize Box"(when he goes Poop on the potty) and ate a peice of CANDY!
Ryder said, "Mommy Pie make a BIG Mess and he needs a WIPE!" I said YES HE DOES! :)

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