Monday, October 5, 2009

First Day Back to Work/First Babysitter Day

Today was my first day back to work, and Ryder's first day with his babysitter Bethany. Eric took him this morning because he is working the late shift and he could spend some time with him in the morning. Which I am so thankful for because I would have lost it...I could barely tell him bye this morning...BUT I had a great day at work it was a breeze compared to staying at home with a newborn regardless of how good they are. It was just a carefree chat with ADULTS day. I got a text from Bethany have way through the day that said everything was great and he was being perfect :) I felt like a proud mom. UNTIL I picked him up after work and she said he screamed bloody murder not long, but she said he was fussy at the end of the day. Then he decided to come home and scream some more this is a picture of what I FINALLY got him to do... Hopefully tomorrow he will get use to being their and the new surroundings and be a perfect little angel :) .... Let's hope so...


Anonymous said...

The first week or two are always the hardest. It will get better and Ryder will get into a routine before you know it. Remind him that Grandma loves him and will be there to see him soon.
Love you guys

amanda crawford said...

Oh my gosh :( I remember when I went back to work with Mason..I was excited to have Adult conversations, lol but it was sad. Now, its extra sad bc he is at that stage where he only wants Mommy! Where did yall find a baby sitter?


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