Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ryders Here

Ryder arrived on August 17th at 3:19pm. He weighed 7 pounds and was 19 1/2 inches long. He is SUPER cute! :) I got pitocin at 8 am and they broke my water right away...I started getting contractions as soon as the water broke they were about 4 minutes apart. Around 11 I asked for an epidural because it was KILLING me, and it of course didn't work. They kept trying to figure out why and finally gave me another epidural round 2 o'clock. At 2:30 Ryders heart rate was dropping and I was put on oxygen and the doctor came in and said she needed to check me because Ryder wasn't doing very well. By this time I was about to die with BOTH epidurals still not working I thought I was going to have to have a c-section and had been through all that for nothing. She checked me and said well no wonder he's not happy your 10 cm and you need to start pushing! I was freaking out because the epidurals weren't working but was like whatever lets get this overwith. As soon as the doctor came back for me to start pushing my legs had gone completely numb and BOTH epidurals had kicked in. The delivery was quite humerous we all just sat their and carried on a conversation. I didn't feel anything so it was very relaxing. The doctor said it was the calmest delivery she ever had. I only pushed for 20 minutes and Ryder arrived! While I was pushing, we were waiting for another contraction and his head had just stuck out a little bit, and the doctor said, look at all this hair, he needs a mohawk and literaly pushed his hair straight up and gave him a mohawk! it was soo funny, so after everything was done we had our precious little boy! I am feeling alot better today, yesterday they said I lost more blood than they would have liked and I almost passed out in the bathroom, but today is going smoothly! Thanks for all the prayers and of course here are some pictures!!

1 comment:

Ben and Libbi said...

Congratulations Alisha!! He's precious!! Enjoy your new baby boy!


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