Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend/Potty Training!

So this Labor Day weekend STARTED with Potty Training.. I have been DREADING it but Ryder has been more than ready and has been secretly taking his diaper off somehow under his shorts. Its AMAZING! I mean I have NO idea that he isn't wearing a diaper until he pees all over the floor, SO Saturday I got some pullups and underwear and we haven't looked back since! It has been SOO easy, we still have a ways to go but at home he is completely potty trained besides wearing a pullup to bed! When we go out I ask him if he needs to go and we "try" a few times and its been going great! Last night we went out to eat with my parents and he told me he had to go potty, and low and behold HE WENT POTTY ON OUTBACKS POTTY!! I was just beside myself! It has been a breeze.. we haven't had a poop in the potty yet, just because he always goes during his nap time, so that will just have to come but I am SO excited! I have to say I think the candy reward is the kicker!

Saturday we went to Paul and Amanda's to watch the USC game! Ryder looked soo cute in his Gamecock Jersey! I couldn't get a good picture so this is all I have! We had a great time and WE WON! Great night 

My mom hosted a cookout this weekend with a bunch of family, and sadly I don't have any pictures but it was lots of fun, I woke up Monday to the stomach bug and it was awful! Boy was I glad Eric was off and able to watch Ryder for me!

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