Ryder and I made a SURPRISE visit to Nana and Pa's house today. We got there bright and early and nana was in the shower and Pa was MIA. So once nana was ready we headed over to her churchs' fall festival which was HUGE! I was expecting 30 people and it was about 10,000!! Thankfully Pa was driving the golf cart and picking people up who had to park far away, so Ryder was thrilled to be able to ride Pa's "Little tractor". We didn't stay long, but we did listen to some great blue grass music, and Ryder got a few toys at the craft tables.

Then we headed back to the house to wait for Becky to get done with her hair appointment. She met us there and we decided to make a trip to the Fair outside of Henderson ville! BUT on our way we found 3 stranded horses running across the road, after a barricade and a knock at a strangers door (really we just honked because it was SCARY and we didn't want to get shot) we were able to help Becky was able to help coax the horses down the road until the owners showed up.
Ryder had a fabulous time at the Fair! We saw all sorts of animals, played games, sat in a helicopter, fed goats and a camel AND even won a prize!! It was such a fun day and I am pooped!! Sadly my son is STILL going 100 miles an hour.. where does he get it from?!?
This is Ryder fishing for his prize!
I told him to smile so I could get a picture with the sheep and he kissed it!
He was VERY impressed that chickens could win trophy's!
This sweet girl asked Ryder if he wanted to help "walk" the llama! How cute!
They had a neat sandbox where you dig for potatoes! It was really neat!
Forget baby fever! After seeing these little guys I now have PIG FEVER!
Ryder LOVED getting in the helicopter!!
Thanks Nana and Becky for the fun day!!