Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Ryder,

Dear Ryder:
One year ago today, your Daddy and I were at Palmetto Richland Hospital awaiting your arrival... I wasn't that nervous to be honest, I think partly because I  have been in the hospital so many times throughout my life that being there wasn't the scary part...It didn't really hit me until she told me I needed to start pushing.Then it REALLY hit me when I held you, my beautiful HEALTHY 7 pound baby boy, in my arms for the first time and realized that there was no going back. This little screaming bundle of joy was mine forever and this little boy was what we had prayed and prayed for. This past year has been the most amazing and challenging year of my life, I only had you for 6 short weeks before I had to go back to work which was heart breaking for me financially we just weren't ready YET (keyword :) ) for me to be a stay at home mom, and then only a few short weeks after that Mommy got really sick. We made it through that and God willing will never have to go through that again, your daddy was my right-hand and very encouraging to me through that time and VERY helpful with you while I was having surgery and after. WE made it through that and pushed on through the "teething", through the "temper-tantrums", through the "sleepless nights", through the throwing up EVERYWHERE, to cuddiling in bed, to kisses at night, to hugs in the morning to EVERYTHING wonderful in my life. I would NOT change one thing, not one of those sleepless nights, or meltdowns, or screaming fits. Ryder you are the best thing that has ever happend to Daddy and I and I can't imagine life without you.... One year ago today a handsome little boy, named RYDER COLE HARRIS, stole my heart when I  PROUDLY whispered in your ear on August 17th 2009 at 3:19 pm,
 "Hi Ryder, I'm your Mommy"

I had waited a long time to say those words to you sweet baby boy, and I can't wait for the many many more whipsers we share with each other. I LOVE being your Mommy you make me so proud!

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