Sunday, July 18, 2010

11 Months OLD!! & The Zoo!!

Ryder is officially 11 months old!!! He is changing so much everyday and I can't believe he will be a year old before we know it!! Here is what you are up to these days!! 
 *You wear mostly 12 months clothes but I can still squeeze you into 6-9 month occasionally
*You weigh 20 pounds and I am not sure how long you are
* You EAT and you EAT and you EAT non stop!
* We took you off of formula about a month ago and started you on whole milk because you would NOT eat it...since we started you on whole milk you have done so much better!!
* You stopped drinking out of a bottle about 2 weeks ago at 10 1/2 months and ONLY drink out of a sippy cup or a straw!
*You have been taking steps here and there and have walked to Mommy, Grams and Pops(this started at about 10 1/2  months)

*You can walk from a toy to another if its just a couple steps away
* You have been repeating words alot and have said alot of random things like Bilo :)
* You can say ma ma, da da, YAY, peek a boo, and uh oh
* You have 6 TEETH now! 2 on the bottom, and 4 on top!!
* Your favorite food is pizza and mac n cheese (so healthy I know!!)


The Kents said...

Mak loves the turtle Ryder is sitting on.

Alisha Harris said...



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