So I know I haven't posted in a while, but I can not find my charger to my camera!! and it is driving me insane! I just hate posting without pictures, it feel sooo boring to me. BUT anyways, I have had the WORST case of morning no ALL DAY SICKNESS in the world. At work I just say excuse me and run to the back to puke, it is awful, I continue most of the day and even at night throwing up. My mom keeps saying "This will pass" but only if it could sooner rather than later, I would feel better! I DEF am getting a baby bump, I had a little one about 2 weeks ago, but now after I eat its like theirs no place for the food to go except to the "bump" I will post pictures soon, but as of yesterday I am 10 weeks or 2 1/2 months now. I realized I didn't post when my due date was and it is August 16th. Eric has been a life saver and cooks almost every night for me just because I am so nautious. He has really been a big help. He is so excited about the baby and rubs my belly every now and then and gets a big grin on his face. It is so cute! :) I promise to post pictures soon....