Ryder had a blast like always and it seems like every time we go up there he is getting older and older because our jobs of watching him like a hawk has gotten SO much easier! He L-O-V-E-D playing with Baby Riley (although she really isn't a baby anymore, but I hate to break it to her, her name to us will always be Baby Riley). We went to visit her house and we all rode her horse Flicka which was the most hilarious thing we did on the trip. Eric had never been on a horse before, so when he got on and seemed to be doing good, he said, "Beginner?? what beginner? I'm a pro!". As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the horse took off to some tall brush. I dropped to the concrete I was laughing so hard, if you could only see Eric with his arms spread open holding the reigns asking us, "How do you turn this thing?" You would have been on the ground too!
We went to Sheri and Scott's church on Sunday for Easter and the pastor was awesome! Although he never took a breath and was a little much for my ADD self. After church, we headed back to the house for an Easter feast, and then went to a church downtown that put on a play of the Bible called The Thorn. It was really really good, and the singers were AMAZING! It must be nice to live in such a "singer city".

I had so many people say how cute it was that we color coordinated...well it wasn't on purpose! I had gotten my dress a few weeks before Easter, and Ryder's was the last thing I could throw together in his size, and the same with Eric, but if people ask I just say, "I'm just that good". :)
The night before we left, the kids played hide and seek in the dark around midnight. We had so much fun messing with the older boys and finally decided to get in on the action. Sheri had a good idea for us to hided in their attic because they wouldn't look for us there. Well she was right because after a good 30 minutes of sitting up there we finally got out to find them all watching a movie downstairs. Evidently they had given up a while ago!
We woke up a few hours later to make the long trip back home, and we can't wait to go back again! We always have so much fun up there!
These two are just too cute, I loved being able to love on Riley she is just too precious! And these two together are two peas in a pod!
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