Friday, May 4, 2012


Ok so if you have no idea what Pinterest is you need to click the link and sign up! (It's free) I LOVE IT! I decided to make some slimy "gak" for Ryder this morning and he has been playing with it for about an hour now! I'd say it was a success! I got the info from pinterest and it linked me to THIS BLOG. Here is how we made this SUPER fun slimy mess!!

4oz. of glue (we used Elmer's glue)
4-6oz. of warm water
mix 1 tsp of Borax (this is a toxic cleaning product so use/make this WISELY ie; if your child eats everything probably not a good idea!) + a half a cup of water (mix together and then SLOWLY add to glue)

ALSO- this doesn't have to be EXACT and if you start freaking out because it's really watery once your done, its OK it will start to thicken and then you will be able to play with it! ENJOY! :)

IT was a LOT of fun!!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Sooo cute!!! Gotta meet that little guy!!! We have our DHEC Tuesday and then we got our fire letter and got our date for May 21st! Any news yet for you guys?!


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