Friday, July 15, 2011

Random Things...

Ryder and I had a date at Barnes a Noble the other night... It was a little overwhelming running around keeping him from throwing books on the floor, while he's yelling ALL sorts of things like "Mommy!! A MONKEY!!" "MOMMY A CHOO CHOO" "MOMMY A WITTLE GERL" he is just all about talking these days and non stop... They had a little train table set up and we were probably there for a good 45 minutes playing with the train.. he had a blast..

So I saw on another blog, their son was wearing this shirt! I SOOO need to buy this for Ryder because its OH so TRUE! :)

  Today is my last day keeping my niece and nephew for the summer.. its been SOO much fun Ryder has had a blast with them and I am pretty sure that they have been having fun too! Yesterday we went for ice cream and I let each of them get a cone for themselves.. I know I'm pretty crazy but they ate it ALL and when I say ALL I mean ALL.. I had to peel the paper that is around the bottom of the cone off so they could finish it! They are soo cute! I just love them!

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