Tuesday, June 28, 2011

22 months old!

*You weigh 25 pounds (you have weighed this for a LONG time!)
*You are around 34-35 inches tall (we will find out for sure in 2 months!)
*You wear a size 4 diaper and will until you are potty trained because they are big on you
*You are STILL wearing size 12 shorts! some are getting a little short, so I have to roll size 18 month on you
*You wear size 18 month shirts, but some 24 months on occasion
*You are learning SOO much you can now count to 7 and can count backwards from 5!
*You LOVE to sing and dance and can sing the ABC song, Boom Boom song, Ho Ho Ho Hosanna, Deep and Wide, and SOOO many more!
*You are FABULOUS with a fork and spoon and always say" Mommy I need a wok"(fork)
*You are pretty much always talking in sentences, your favorite is usually "Mommy I need to eat" you are an EATING MACHINE! You have been eating NON stop for the last couple of weeks and I guess are just going through a growth spurt
*You are doing sooo good in your "big boy" room and bed and sleep almost every night all night and always take naps in your room
*When you pray with Mommy and Daddy you squeeze your eyes really tight and hold your hands together, its soo precious!
*You can jump with both feet off the ground
*You are starting to learn shape and colors and are doing a good job so far!
*You are VERY interested in the potty and tell me everyday atleast 3 or 4 times that you need to go and we go and sit on the potty, although you have YET to go! But eventually you will!
*You are OBSESSED with tractors, atleast once a day you say something about going to Naa's and Pa to ride his tractor, or Meme and Pa's to ride theirs (the 4 wheelers)...everytime we drive by a tractor you say WOW tractor
*You are walking with your right foot turned in alot and we are going to have to start doing exercises to work on fixing that, or as your Physical Therapist Aunt Pam says, you won't be able to run and do good in sports if we don't get it fixed so we will DEFINITELY have to work on that because if your anything like your daddy you will be!
*You have hit the terrible 2's in full force all day everyday is a constant battle with you and listening and going in and out of time out and in and out of spankings.... you have ALSO started putting your fingers in your ears when I tell you to do something like you can't hear me.. and WHERE did you learn that?!?!?! I am just at a loss for words..maybe starting the terrible 2's early will mean your going to end early.. I asked my mom tonight how long it took me to get out of them and she said sometime after middle school.. HA very funny mommy lets hope Ryder gets out of it a LITTLE sooner

I am in the midst of planning, gathering, and preparing for Ryders Birthday party and its going to be FABULOUS! I just can't wait!!

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