Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How long have I been Married?!?!

I have to start at the beginning here...
So I always let Charlie out in the backyard fence almost all day when I am at home, except for around 2:30 when school gets out and all of the kids walk by and taunt and tease her. I always put her back in her smaller pen for that. Well I opened up the door to see Charlie running up to me with something in her mouth... yep a SQUIRREL!

 GROSS after I took some pictures for proof I called Eric to tell him what was going on...the conversation goes as follows:

Me: Eric Charlie is outside eating a squirrel!!
Eric: Thats my girl!
Me: This is sooo gross!
Eric: Have you already taken it from her?
Me: Your joking right?
Eric: No, you need to take it from her
Me: Silence
Eric: Hello??
Me: I am NOT taking a squirrel that is dripping blood and hanging from her MOUTH!
Eric: You need to take the squirrel from her, put it in a baggy and throw it away
Me: Silence
Eric: Hello??
Me: Do you realise who you are talking to? I am NOT even going OUTSIDE let alone to take a squirrel away from her, and PUT IT IN A BAGGY!

I have no idea who he thinks I am..but I know one thing, the same girl he married almost 4 years ago!

P.S. My grandpa stopped by to take care of the squirrel... I suppose Eric called him because I sure didn't!

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