Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So it is going to take a REALLY long post to put all of the pictures from our trip! So I am going to start with SATURDAY
...Saturday we left Ryder was PERFECT the ENTIRE trip ride. We got to John and Denise's and went to Newsomes for lunch and then came back for dinner to see Aunt Sandra, Billy and Erin and the girls, and ReRe and Rachel....Ryder really liked the girls!!

Everyone went to church except Ryder and I...lets just say it was in the middle of his nap time and they didn't have a nursery and he would NOT stop screaming...SO I did bring him to the end of the service to visit with all of Neesy's friends so they could see her CUTEST grandbaby! :)...THEN we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Harris' house and had a FANTASTIC dinner with them AND uncle dan dan, AND James and Diane made the trip with their 3 TOTALLY adorable kids! Ryder LOVED them!!

We had a fun day of BOWLING, eating lunch at the bowling alley and then walking around to some shops...THEN we went to Grandma Cockrell's house for a great dinner and also to see Rebecca, Jonathan, and Ethan! It was a fun night even though Ryder was EXTREMLY cranky and wanted to play the entire time! Here are some pictures!!
Ryder was EXHAUSTED after lunch and bowling!
(BY THE WAY...I am not sure if you look at my blog but I would LOVE to get those pictures you took! If you don't mind e-mailing them to me alishanharris@yahoo.com !! THANKS!!)

Tuesday was the day I started with the flu but tried to go to the beach...I had to leave after about 30 minutes BUT Eric, John, Matthew fished and Matthew caught a STINGRAY! It was really cool! They came home and even cooked up the fish but I was in bed! (well the bathroom puking! :) ) Here are some pictures!!

We came home..I continued throwing up and then started having the other end issues :( NO FUN! But we had a great time in VA and were so happy to get to visit with so many people!! THANK YOU JOHN AND DENISE for housing us!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

So...the pic of Ryder and the girls, and then the very last one I think he looks just like Coby when Coby was a baby!!


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